email/ info@gallery0369.jp
伊勢自動車道 津I.C.より国道163号を伊賀方面へ20分
近鉄 津新町駅より三交バス【平木行き】に乗車。
お車はgallery0369の国道を挟んだ向かい側にある劇場 Théâtre de Bellevilleの駐車場にお停めください。
Location / 369 Misato-cho Misato, Tsu City, Mie Prefecture
(In old private house Hibicore”Kominka Hibicore”)
Contact / Phone 059-279-3703 (at the time of the exhibition)
Please refer to the exhibition date / exhibition guide.
email info@gallery0369.jp
■ By car
From Ise Expressway Tsu I.C., take Route 163 to Iga for 20 minutes
■ Those who come by train or bus
Take the Sanko Bus [To Hiraki] from Kintetsu Tsushinmachi Station.
Get off at “Kurihara” and walk 3 minutes